
Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Ornaments

My children sing in a local youth choir, and they had their final performance of this year on Sunday.  I wanted to make the director and her assistant something special, and they both know I crochet.  So, I made them each an ornament, with a Size 7 steel hook and bedspread weight cotton, using patterns I found in a book of granny square patterns, probably from the seventies.  Of course, Christmas ornaments are timeless.  I believe they are magical, in the precious creations of a hook and thread.

You can see more Magical Mondays here . I am also posting here in Creative Everyday, and on Gingerbread Girl.


  1. These are wonderful and they make such a thoughtful gift!

  2. Wonderful creations! I love them ~ hand made is so good ~ not everyone is able to and they love to get handmade gifts! ~ Happy Holidays to you and come back again to Magical Monday Meme ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ^_^

  3. What beautiful decorations.

  4. Very lovely to make the home ready for Christmas!

  5. Very festive. Feels great to make presents doesn't it?

  6. Those decorations are lovely, I really love the red and white one.

  7. I love the red and white square especially.. a blanket of these would look spectacular for Christmas :)x

  8. Oh they are beautiful and such a thoughtful gift.

  9. I love the read and white square. I love the creations. I so wish I could crochet it is on my bucket list to learn. Thanks for sharing, I will follow on my way out so I know the path back to your lovely blog. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place soon and do the same. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and look forward to supporting your blog in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  10. Missabeth, your crochet ornaments are absolutely beautiful!

    Thank you so much for being a part of the holiday spirit at Rook No. 17 last Tuesday. Can't wait to see what you have to share today!

    Warmest wishes,


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