
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summertime Crocheting

It is summer, and I will be back to blogging on this site, at least for now.  It has been an extremely busy school year, and I am looking for another job.  If you are interested in catching up on that, you can go to my other website, Mlissabeth's Musings.

Since it is summer, I like crocheting small projects instead of the prayer shawls I usually make.  These pieces get finished faster, and I do not get as hot as when hooking with all the "in progress" part in my lap. :)

One of the things I like to make is jewelry.  I have made two bracelets and a  ring for myself.  I adapted a pattern from The Crochet Spot for the Chain Wave Bracelet.  I used some yarn I got at a garage sale, which doesn't have a label, and ended up using a steel  size "0" crochet hook.  I didn't use a clasp either, and instead tied it together.  I was a little stretchy, which made it easy to slip it over my hand.

Chain Wave Bracelet

The Emerald Drops Bracelet was also from The Crochet Spot.  It features a crocheted toggle clasp and diamond motifs that are crocheted all in one.  As usual, I used my own flair, and used blue variegated thread instead of the emerald it called for.  It turned out so pretty and delicate!

Emerald Drops Bracelet

The Crochet Ring pattern I adapted did not have beads, and I wanted a little more bling, so I added them to a pattern I found on Fave Crafts. The pattern was written by Brett Bara, the host of the TV show Knit and Crochet Now.  It took me a couple of times to figure out the correct size of hook to use with the yarn from my stash (again, not labled), but after about four tries I finally got it.

Bead Crochet Ring

These pieces are things I have been making since school is out.  I am linking up with Keep Calm Craft On.  You can click on that link to see what other crafters have been doing.


  1. Love the idea of making jewelry! I have never tried doing this. I don't crochet, but I probably could figure something out with knitting. Lovely pieces!

  2. These are really pretty! Have you thought about anklets? A blue anklet would be perfect to go with summer beach-combing outfits.


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