
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


“Beauty at the finish,” I said.
At the time I was in a good place.
I was able to accept my situation
As temporary, then,
But today is different.
I know why I hurt,
But I don’t know how long.
Yet, I never know how long the pain will last.
 The thought is no different than any other day.
Today, I am choosing to wallow in my pity.
 I can, however, choose to think differently.

“Adaptability curve,” she said.
We have to adjust to
 Anything life throws at us.
We have to work at it.
 We must reconcile our feelings with our situations.
If we don’t try to fight,
We have chosen to be miserable.

I have to choose every day.
I choose to claim my power and fight.
“Beauty at the finish,” I say.


  1. Beautiful poem. This reminds me of what Pema Chodron refers to as Warrior Practice. Choosing to be with whatever is in our lives - facing the fire. The courage to do that will ultimately lead us to peace on the other side.

  2. Well said. Such a great way to express creatively.


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